Servagno and bodoira mountain loop

Itinerary that will allow you to discover some signs of the two world wars such as bunkers, barracks, ruins of fortifications, encroaching for a stretch in the Stura valley.
The tour begins at the parking lot at the Grange Selvest, where you cycle on asphalt up to the Preit pass, then continuing along the dirt road that climbs the Gardetta plateau. The itinerary will touch the Rocca Brancia pass and the Oserot Pass, then continuing along a technical path. After losing altitude you will go up towards Colle della Montagnetta, where a steady climb along the hillside will lead you to the slopes of the Sarvagno, Giordano and Bodoira mountains, up to the Vallonetto hill. The stretch that follows requires a lot of caution and intervals on foot. After having passed the descent to Colle di Valcavera, continue on the right, passing the Cologna and Margherina hills to climb back towards the Meja lake for Colle d’Anoccia, on the slopes of Becco Nero. Going down towards the pastures you reach the Passo del Preit, continuing towards the Tombstone of the Alpini. Continuing to descend you will meet the forest-pastoral track that reaches the starting point steeply.
The route consists for the most part of single trails and dirt tracks and for almost 4 km of asphalt.
- Duration: 5h15m
- Ascent: 1,650 m
- Descent: 1,650 m
- Distance: 34.5 km
- Region: Canosio
- Seasons: Spring, Summer
- Difficulty: Hard
Mountain sports are potentially dangerous activities and must be undertaken with the right equipment and preparation. We invite you to consult the weather and avalanche bulletin before embarking on an excursion and/or contact a guide for assistance. The Valle Maira Tourist Consortium declines any responsibility in relation to the advice and itineraries shown here, which must be evaluated personally according to the weather conditions and snow cover.