Archaeological Site

Rocceré archaeological and nature site visitor centre and Geo

Rocceré archaeological and nature site visitor centre and Geo

The RocceRé is a spectacular geological site frequented since ancient times by prehistoric peoples and is located at the foot of the Maira Valley, in Roccabruna, in the province of Cuneo.

A spiritual and mysterious place that fascinates for its context and views. Venturing among its rocks, one travels back in time, to more than 4,000 years ago, thanks to Bronze Age finds from archaeological excavations.

In an area embraced by rich vegetation, one can admire the Masso Altare, Roccias Fenestre, the King’s Throne, the Balmascura Cave and appreciate the morphology of the solar calendar. In this site there are 35,000 rock cups, discovered in 1991, whose origin is still being studied: they are hollows with a diameter that can vary between 2 and 20 centimetres, they are found grouped by the hundreds on imposing flat or slightly inclined slabs, in other cases compositions of ‘cups’ close to each other seem to form geometric figures, symmetrical, numerical analogies, arch-retilinear concatenations and even anthropomorphic figures. In 2013, an alleged rock painting with anthropomorphic-cervid features found at RocceRé was presented at the IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art) World Assembly in New Mexico. In 2016, astrophysical researchers hypothesised a representation of celestial maps and some constellations on rock.

In 2024, a new geological and archaeological survey ordered by the Piedmont Superintendency assessed the formations on the site as completely natural phenomena, dating back to the terminal phase of the Last Glacial Maximum. The cup-marks/hollows would have formed naturally due to weathering pits.

Thanks to this phenomenon, also known as gnammas, the RocceRé is thus elected as a site of considerable geological and naturalistic importance. The archaeological findings are proof of the frequentation of the site by prehistoric and/or protohistoric populations who most probably considered these mysterious stone cups sacred, adapted or subsequently adapted to ancient rituals.

Visitors’ Centre
The Rocceré Visitor Centre is immersed in the Sant’Anna di Roccabruna pine forest.

It is located at the Sant’Anna refuge. Visit it to immerse yourself in the history of Rocceré, from when it was discovered to the present day with articles, projects, documentation, photo exhibitions and drawings.

Being a refuge in its own right, there is also a dining area and beds. For the more spartan, it offers the possibility of sleeping in a tent in the pine forest.


  • How to visit the site

      Friends of Roccerè Association 347.2358797 The Masso Altare trail can only be visited accompanied, every day from May to December